Learn It - Review It - Own It
As its name implies, Daf-A-Week is a program to proceed through Shas learning one daf of Gemara a week. Begun at the onset of the twelfth Daf Yomi cycle, Daf-A-Week's goal is to provide learners ample time to grasp the subtleties and complexities of even the most difficult sugyos, and to do significant review.

Become A Daf Smarter Every Week!

מסכת סוכה מוקדש לע''נ ברוך בענדיט וברכה גרוס ע''ה
by Mr. and Mrs. Duvy Gross

Daf-A-Week: A Sample Schedule

Weekly Schedule
    1. Learn the first quarter of the daf 3 times
    2. Learn the first half of daf - 25
    1. Review the first quarter of the daf
    2. Learn the second quarter of the daf 3 times
    3. Learn the second half of daf - 25
    1. Review the second quarter of the daf
    2. Learn the third quarter of the daf 3 times
    3. Learn the first half of Daf - 10
    1. Review the third quarter of the daf
    2. Learn the fourth quarter of the daf 3 times
    3. Learn the second half of daf - 10
    1. Review the fourth quarter of the daf
    2. Review the first half of the daf 3 times
    3. Learn the first half of daf - 5
    1. Review the second half of the daf 3 times
    2. Learn the second half of daf - 5
    1. Review the full daf 3 times
    2. Learn the full daf - 1
With this schedule the daf is reviewed ten times. In addition, over the week, There is a review of 25, 10, 5 and last week's daf.